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  • I just discovered this website the other day. What a blessing! I hope that you will be able to offer video soon, also. I will pass [AudioVerse] on to as many people as possible.
    J.E., 4/21/07
  • Just want to say thanks for AudioVerse! What a blessing you have been to me and my wife. I found you by accident and downloaded David Asscherick to my Palm. When I can't sleep during the night hours I am so blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    E.B., 4/13/07
  • I VERY much appreciate this site. I know it is a lot of work and some expense to keep up. I am not a physician or dentist and thus would not be able to attend the AMEN conference. Now, thanks to your site I can benefit from these fascinating discussions and other good things. Thanks so much.
    R.S., 4/8/07
  • I am ___ years old, and I recently move to America from my homeland, Jamaica, about ____ months ago. I discovered your website through a loving brother at the Hispanic SDA church I have been attending since I’ve been here. I just want to let you know that your website has been a great blessing to me and to all who I have recommended it to. I hope that God will bless your ministry and grant success in all your endeavors according to his will. I plan to support your ministry financially. I just need to figure out how to do that. Thanks and may the Lord add all his richest blessing to you! Godspeed!
    J.P. from Jamaica, 2/13/07
  • I thank God for finding your site. I daily listen to the sermons and time is too short to hear them all. Adventism as Adventism ought to be. Thank God for you!
    I.W. from Holland, 2/4/07
  • I just discovered this website the other day. What a blessing! I hope that you will be able to offer video soon also. I will pass [this] on to as many people as possible.
    K.L., 2/2/07
  • Greetings in the blessed name of Jesus Christ! Your website is a greatest treasure. I discovered it on the Internet [in] January! I am so grateful. I live in _______, Kenya. During last year's University Retreat at ________, I heard Randy Skeete speak for the first time. I was so blessed! Actually, the sermon, "Who Made You?" turned my life around. The obvious thing to do was to conduct a hunt [for more] sermons by Randy Skeete. I am a lay preacher, actually a Law graduate, who has now fully dedicated his life to serve Jesus. May God bless you all.... I wish I could donate something. The greatest thing I can do is to pray for this powerful ministry. Amen.
    D.O. from Kenya, 1/29/07
  • Hello, I just happened to stumble across your site and I have found it to be a great blessing!
    E.K. from California, 1/28/07
  • I take this opportunity to thank God, who used [you] to start this. I personally a[m] touched by hearing such voices of the lovely preachers like Randy Skeet and others. May the Lord continue using you to preach his word all over the world.... Thanks a lot. May [our] loving God continue blessing you while preaching his word! Pray for us in Rwanda and others as well.
    M.M. from Rwanda, 1/22/07
  • Thank you for creating this wonderful ministry. It has already impacted my life and I look forward to many more visits to www.audioverse.org. May the good Lord give you heavenly wisdom as you select future sermons. Take care and God bless.
    K.L., 1/13/07
  • This looks great. Praise God... I love it...
    R.C., 12/3/06
  • Hello, I am blessed by your site. I would love to share many sermons with my friends. I pray God will continue to bless your ministry.
    J.T., 10/30/06